Little Women
Posted by Jacy Cohen on January 1, 2023 at 12:34 amHappy New Year, ladies! I’m so excited for a new year of book club! We are starting Little Women tomorrow and will shoot for 2-3 chapters each week. Below I’m going to include a brief background on the author of Little Women. I got the info from britannica.com and think it will be helpful in better understanding this work.
Louisa May Alcott
Louisa was born in 1832, died in 1888, and lived in New England her whole life.
Her parents were transcendentalists, believing that humans are, at their core, good and self-reliant. They believed society could corrupt people but overall, people are good. Her father helped begin a “utopian community” called Fruitlands, that failed. Louisa’s father did not provide well for his family and so she started working and writing to help care for her mother and four siblings. She never married and was always loyal to her family, caring for them and providing for them, despite her own poor health.
Little Women is her most famous book, along with its sequels but she also published a number of other poems, books, and short stories throughout her life.
Melanie Benoit replied 1 year, 11 months ago 11 Members · 66 Replies -
66 Replies
Thanks for this summary on Alcott’s life. I’ve read Little Women, but never bothered to look her up. I see several parts of herself in two of the characters.
This book is SUCH an encouraging story full of good lessons. I’m excited we are beginning it!
I just joined the F&F community for the book club after listening to the podcast. My book will arrive late, but I’m excited to (hopefully) catch up and stay on track with everyone 🙂
oh wow, that’s sad- but maybe that’s just part of the time period? Wasn’t Jane Austin’s life some what sad also? But what a blessing she must have been to her family to help where others fell short. Looking forward to participating! Really grateful I had this on my bookcase. I do love vintage stories! Thanks Jacy for leading the discussion.
Thank you for the picture Jordan! I’m definitely a visual learner, Persuasion had my brain tied up in knots this past year until I saw a character map lol. I’m so excited to read this book! I watched the movie with my sisters growing up, but have always wanted to read the book. Can’t wait to jump in this week!
I’m only 2 chapters in and I’m already loving it so much!! How sweet of a relationship the girls have with their marme. ❤️❤️❤️ I love seeing how they love serving and helping her. I want to read this with my kids one day because there are so many sweet lessons. When they gave their breakfast to the unfortunate family. 😭❤️😭. Love how they play pilgrims progress. Ugh. It’s just so heart warming. I’m enthralled.
😂😂😂 Perfect for today as I started Beckham’s math lesson with him only to realize he had a cut a large chunk out of his hair 😂🤦🏻♀️ “You’ve ruined me!”
Well I read the first chapter and it is such a charming read! I watched the movie a LONG time ago- so it’s vaguely familiar from that. I love their personalities, totally get Beth’s dislike of dishes and dusting! I’m struggling to admire the Father figure though like they do (probably bc of knowing he was a Unitarian?) But how sweet that they want to all bless and love on Marmee for Christmas instead of treating themselves. Also appreciate their convictions when they find themselves complaining and they then confess and repent. How challenging it must have been to uphold the “ladylike standards” of what’s proper, like Jo being scolded for whistling.
This next week we’re going to read chapters 4-7. Is everyone enjoying the book? I was hooked from page one 😉
Honestly, I haven’t seen the movie or read this book until now! It is way better than expected. I am not sure what I was expecting but I have been pleasantly surprised and I enjoy the great descriptions of the sisters and the mom. I am on chapter 3 right now so a little behind but I’ll catch up!
I’m glad you’re enjoying it! It’s truly a feel good book. You’re right on track! We’re starting chapter 4 tomorrow 😊
I’m enjoying rereading it so much! I’ve forgotten so much since childhood that it’s basically a new read. 😂🥰
So I have never read this book and I have only seen snippets of the movie. The parts that I did see of the movie were not pleasant nor endearing. However, clearly I was taking what I saw out of context. I thought the burning of the hair was purposely done. I thought the relationships between the sisters were more rivalry than compassionate. I never saw love for their mother. Now that I am reading the book I see a sweet story evolving. I am happy to be reading this book! I have enjoyed it.
I’m so glad you decided to give it another try with us!! You should give the movie another try too 😉 The 2019 version is my favorite but I know a lot of people love the 1994 one the best.
I just finished chapter 3. Is anyone familiar with arnica? I had to look it up! I don’t think we have that flowers here. Interesting reading about its medicinal uses!
Yes! I keep homeopathic tabs of arnica in the cabinet for pain relief so it was cool to read that!
Y’all, my heart is so happy right now. Been playing catch up and chapter 6 got me teared up! I miss my grandpa. But how sweet that everyone goes the extra mile to give Beth love and attention and how she overcomes her fears. Also how sneaky of Jo to invite herself over in a way. I love how the author works these little life lessons into the girls and their characters. When Marmee recaps the girls stories back to them and the things they observed… very wise and endearing. My initial thought was “oh this is nice and quaint” but the book has developed such a charm. I want to keep reading it for more of that innocent charm… but I’m guarding my heart for whatever the conflict lies ahead. (I forget but every good book has a heartbreak…)
KC, I just read chapter six and teared up too 😭 Mr. Laurence and Laurie go to so much effort to make Beth feel comfortable playing piano at their house. And they buy her new music 😭 Goodness gracious, how sweet.
Did everyone do ok with four chapters this week? Are we up for doing chapters 8-11 this week?
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