I’m game for that Jacy!
I have absolutely loved this book. I love the sweet friendship and balance among the sisters, the love they have for Marmee, the sweet friendship developing between Laurie and the March family, just everything. I have found myself lost in the story line and love Alcott’s engaging, and simple way of writing. It’s easy to follow, but still pulls you in. I loved when the girls were all sitting around and telling stories of their day, then Marmee turned their discontented situations into lessons through a story for them. I love that approach she took to teaching her girls lessons. I also cried like a blubbering fool when Mr. Laurence gave Beth the little piano that belonged to his granddaughter. The beauty of Beth going to thank him and just curling up in his lap, and how they each comforted different sorrows for each other, him losing his granddaughter and her missing her father (and probably late grandfather as well), just beautiful. Every chapter holds new charm and I love it.
I totally agree! Alcott has such a simple way of telling the story, yet it’s so beautiful that you can picture yourself there the whole time.
I love in chapter 8 when Marmee is talking to Jo about controlling her temper. She says that it was easier for her to learn to control her temper for her children rather than herself. How true that having children makes us want to kill all of our sin because we want to be the best parents we can for our little ones and not pass on any of our sin habits to them.
And the sweetness of father having a little signal with Marmee when he knew she was about to lose her temper. The devotion he showed in being willing to know her, watch her, and help her so diligently and without harshness.
Yes! Chapter 8 has been my favorite so far. It was so sweet to read about the dad helping Marme overcome her sin of anger. And also in chapter 9. Love the way marme teaches the girls and how the chapters often end with epic parenting examples.
Chapter 9 when Marmee is telling the girls her ‘plans’ for them. –
“Make this home happy, so that you may be fit for homes of your own… ” She goes on to tell them its ok to hope for it and prepare for it so when the happy time comes, they feel ready for the duties and worthy of the joy.
Thinking of our daughters one day leaving to start their own families and homes is bitter sweet. I love this reminder for us moms though to help prepare our little girls for that time. We want them to be content with what God gives them and succeed in this beautiful role God calls them to. I definitely didn’t feel prepared when I got married and I hope to train Emma up in a way to love and care well for her own home and the people in it one day. 🤍
Yes. I also loved that she said make this home happy until you get one of your own and if not be content here. Having daughters remain at home until marriage was not a concept I had growing up. And now I want our daughters to remain under their father’s care until they’re under their husband’s care. Not a very pc thing of course.
Chapters 12-15 this week 😊 I am really enjoying Laurie’s relationship with the March family and seeing Jo and Beth grow in character. I also appreciated that by the end of Meg’s trip she saw the value of her home, even though she’s poor and doesn’t have the nice things she wants.
I’m really enjoying re-reading this, and doing so nice and slowly! I tend to gobble up books lol.
As it progresses I am realizing how much more this story means to me as an adult and a mother. I guarantee I didn’t notice or appreciate Marmee’s love and guidance nearly as much as a child, and wouldn’t have realized she was such an example to look up to. 💕
Love it! Marmee is so patient with her girls. In chapter 11 when the girls want to just relax and not do any work, she lets them try it out to see how it goes. I would be in full on lesson mode, like let me tell you all the reasons that’s a bad idea 😆 I love learning from Marmee’s patience.
I definitely need some Marmee level patience most days too!
Good! I was a little behind so just finished chapter 15 today. Jo’s hair for her dad 😭😭😭 so sweet. I just love this family.
I’m doing pretty good! I get behind a little but every time I pick it up it’s never real hard to catch up.
How interesting was the picnic? Beth being brave a warming up to the injured boy. Jo about to dook it out with his rude twin brother. Lawrence trying to hook up his tutor with Kate and turns out he only has eyes for Meg 😆.
I too got a kick out of the summer experiment Marmee allowed and how she ended it on the last day! All play and no work is just as bad as all work and no play.
Happy Sunday! I’m behind and I know a few other ladies mentioned they’re a bit behind, so this week let’s read chapters 20 & 21 to give everyone a chance to catch up. Make sure to throw all your favorite quotes, questions, and random thoughts our way 😊
Just finished chapter 19. When Amy is making her will and she adds to it to have her locks cut off and given to her friends. I looked it up to see if this was something people actually did and it is. Especially in early America it says they would put the locks under glass in rings or brooches and wear them. Some would even braid bracelets if the the locks were long enough either themselves or would have a jewler do it. Interesting. 🤔
This reminds me of how we keep a lock of our kids’ hair when they get their first hair cut or keep their baby teeth. Not gonna lie, it weirds me out to keep their teeth, so I just tape the first one in their baby book and throw the rest away 😆
Tell us about your favorite dreamy setting so far 😍
Each scene in the book is so cozy and lovely, I can just imagine myself there. My favorite setting has been the “Busy Bee Society”. Each of the girls has their work and Jo is reading aloud under a beautiful tree at the edge of the river. A turtle wanders up out of the river, the sun is shining, and a breeze is blowing. Just enchanting.
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