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  • Jacy Cohen

    October 6, 2022 at 9:52 pm in reply to: A Brief Theology of Christmas Presents

    How’s it going, ladies? I’m loving the book! It is already bringing me excitement and joy for the Christmas season. I’m so thankful for the reformed camp that has brought back to light Christian joy and feasting. Recommended continued reading: God Rest Ye Merry by Douglas Wilson and Christmas Spirit by George Grant and Gregory Wilbur

  • Jacy Cohen

    October 2, 2022 at 9:20 am in reply to: The Yellow Wallpaper

    Jaime, I found it really interesting how nonchalantly she mentioned harming herself. She thought it would be a good idea to throw herself out the window, if there hadn’t been bars on them. But she figured people would get the wrong idea 😆 As if people would overreact and think she was trying to harm herself 😆 I also find it interesting that we never learn her name.

  • Jacy Cohen

    September 29, 2022 at 11:12 pm in reply to: The Yellow Wallpaper

    So Jenna, the ending. In the end she has ripped most of the wallpaper off of the walls and is manically crawling around the floor with her shoulder pressed into the wall (the groove). Seeing as how they were set to leave that day, I think the husband was so overwhelmed with how quickly she had declined, he couldn’t handle it. I completely agree with you about his behavior throughout the story. At first he seemed helpful, even though he wouldn’t quite listen to her. But near the end he was very patronizing, calling her little girl and talking down to her. If we think about it, we can be guilty of this as well. How do we speak to a very elderly family member who needs help with everything? How do we speak to people who have dementia? I actually heard an interview with a man about his new book “My Father’s Brain” on this very topic of how we care for those in decline. Interesting to think about. I also want to read the book “The Woman They Could Not Silence”. A true story about a woman who was put in a mental institution because her husband was angry with her. But I’m worried it will be too feministy.

  • Jacy Cohen

    September 28, 2022 at 8:02 am in reply to: The Yellow Wallpaper

    I think you’re right about the groove in the wall being from her because the maid was complaining about the yellow on her clothes. It was so sad to me in the beginning/middle because she was aware that she wanted to get better. I could feel her guilt and longing to be healthy enough to be with her baby and out of that place. What do you think about the husband being gone days and most nights? Suspicious or totally innocent because he needs to keep working?

  • Jacy Cohen

    September 28, 2022 at 1:41 am in reply to: The Yellow Wallpaper

    I agree Jordan! I was thinking the whole time how good work is for us. To me, her husband seemed to have some great ideas on how to help her get better, he just didn’t help her implement them well. I didn’t see any reason for feminist outrage either. What did you think of the details of the setting? The whole place had walls and a locked gate, bars on her windows, “rings” on the wall, bed nailed to the floor, floor torn up. Do you think her husband took her to a mansion for a restful getaway or do you think she was taken to a private mental health facility?

  • Jacy Cohen

    September 26, 2022 at 2:27 am in reply to: Yellow Wallpaper

    Jordan, I totally agree I will have to read this again at some point. They run in to so much trouble I can’t keep track 😆

  • Jacy Cohen

    September 20, 2022 at 10:34 pm in reply to: Yellow Wallpaper

    If the link isn’t clickable, shoot me a text and I’ll send it to you or you can Google it and it will pop right up 😊

  • Jacy Cohen

    September 15, 2022 at 9:20 am in reply to: Natural medicine cabinet

    Echinacea goldenseal


    Xlear nasal spray

    Breathe Easy (Earthley)

  • Jacy Cohen

    August 22, 2022 at 9:16 pm in reply to: Book 2

    Yes! I totally agree! I’m so thankful that God has led me to learn so much about the standard of what we give our children. This is not a slight to my parents at all but when I was growing up, there was no standard of beauty. Any book was fine. I’m sad that I have missed out on so many lovely works of children’s literature that I may never have time to catch up on. But I am thankful that God has given my children a better foundation and I can’t wait to see where it takes them!

  • Jacy Cohen

    August 19, 2022 at 11:37 pm in reply to: Finishing Book 1

    “Sam is an excellent fellow and would jump down any dragons throat to save you, if he didn’t trip over his own feet!” 😭😭 And Pippin and Merry insisting on going with Frodo 😭 True friendship. Sticking with each other because we know there is hardship ahead and we need each other to strive on toward Christ 😭 I think I’m hormonal or something because I’m crying 😅

  • Jacy Cohen

    August 19, 2022 at 11:29 pm in reply to: Finishing Book 1

    At the moment I’m thinking Sam as well 😂 Dying to go on adventures and see things I’ve only ever heard about it. And the one who’s not the main character (and likes not being the main character) but is basically holding everything together (isn’t that a good description for every mom/homemaker?) 😆 Like I said, I’m very behind but catching up. I was just introduced to Fatty Bulger 😂😂 Seriously dying at that name.

  • Jacy Cohen

    August 18, 2022 at 9:56 pm in reply to: Book Schedule

    Jaime found both Doug Wilson books on EBay. I know Amazon also has them and the Canon+ app has the audio of Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning 😊

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