Leah Wright
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I’m behind but hoping to catch up the next couple of days!
Chapter 2. I love that he brought up sports. We love that Noah loves baseball in the summer. However, our dads are always bringing up other sports Noah needs to play throughout the year. Derrick and I are very intentional about the things we let the kids do and how our time as a family is spent. We don’t want something going on every night of the week or taking away from attending church things. It was encouraging to hear we are setting the right priorities.
Also the end of page 41 on college and marriage. 💯! Derrick and I dated SIX years from my junior year in high school to me graduating college. We so wish we would have gotten married sooner looking back on it now. But like most parents, even Chrisitan parents, the goal to finish college and have a good job was always in our ear. God’s grace is sufficient though on all accounts and we’re thankful we feel better prepared to help guide our kids if and when that time comes for them. 🩶
“Our goal as parents must not be limited by our own vision. I am a finite, sinful, selfish man. Why would I want to plan out my child’s future when I can trust them to the infinite, omnipotent, immutable, sovereign Lord of the universe?” 🙌
I just finished the intro and chapter 1. Love it already and didnt want to have to put it down! Here are a couple quotes that really hit me.
1. “It is as though Christian parents in America have been lulled to sleep while the thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy our children right under our noses.”
2. “Discipleship and multi-generational faithfulness begins and ends at home.”
3. “My family is the primary place where my walk with Christ takes on flesh… It’s my relationship with them that gives my walk with Christ legitimacy.
Yes I had never seen it before. I’ll have to watch the newer one sometime! I saw Amazon Prime video has ‘Little Men’ too.
Oh I loved reading about Meg’s little humble home and wedding this week. It was sweet how everyone wanted to help get her settled in her new home by organizing a room, hanging curtains or making something to help in her housekeeping duties.
“For the homeliest tasks get beautified if loving hands do them.”
Also I ended up watching the 90s Little Women movie last night. Although I know how the book is going to end now I did enjoy it! Lol
Just finished chapter 19. When Amy is making her will and she adds to it to have her locks cut off and given to her friends. I looked it up to see if this was something people actually did and it is. Especially in early America it says they would put the locks under glass in rings or brooches and wear them. Some would even braid bracelets if the the locks were long enough either themselves or would have a jewler do it. Interesting. 🤔
Chapter 9 when Marmee is telling the girls her ‘plans’ for them. –
“Make this home happy, so that you may be fit for homes of your own… ” She goes on to tell them its ok to hope for it and prepare for it so when the happy time comes, they feel ready for the duties and worthy of the joy.
Thinking of our daughters one day leaving to start their own families and homes is bitter sweet. I love this reminder for us moms though to help prepare our little girls for that time. We want them to be content with what God gives them and succeed in this beautiful role God calls them to. I definitely didn’t feel prepared when I got married and I hope to train Emma up in a way to love and care well for her own home and the people in it one day. 🤍
Just bought my copy of Little Women on ebay! Looking forward to jumping in and trying to read more books this new year. ❤️