Jordan Sparks
Forum Replies Created
I also like to have ingredients to make A Little Less Toxic’s cough elixir or some lobelia, or wild cherry bark herb. All good for coughs. I get Manuka honey cough suckers for the kids as well when they have a tickle In their throat.
I really enjoy seeing the characters personalities come out in their journey into the mountain. Legless is awesome. It also was funny to see everyone’s hearts perk up at the mention of returning to Rivendale. I’m sure mine would have to. I am one chapter behind. Hoping to catch up this week.
These chapters were so good! The council meeting in chapter two was so well written. I felt like I was there. Cool hearing more about Bombabil and how the ring has no power over him. Then the final couple paragraphs. Feeling the weight laid on Frodos shoulders that this is now his burden to bear to get this ring to the fire. The moment of silence were they’re all thinking and you can just feel the tension building until Frodo spoke up. And the Eldron’s commissioning statements to him and the greatness of the mission. And then sweet Sam piping up to his aid and defense! Ugh. All just so good.
Girls! Jared just reminded me that CR Wiley has a book called In the House of Tom Bombabil! It’s gotta have more insight about this interesting character.
Loving it! Book one left off on a cliff hanger so dove into book 2 last night. Every time they’re in Rivendell I can’t help but want to be there. It makes me want my home to feel like that and also makes me long for heaven where that feeling of peaceful, cozy, safe, beautiful will be fulfilled.
… “A perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story telling or singing or just sitting and thinking best, or a mixture of them all. Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear, and sadness “
I wanna say Sam as well, puppy loyal to people I love, but I’m honestly probably more just like the inn keeper who can’t remember anything. 😅😆
Hahah! That’s so funny Jacy! I’m having no trouble with this one but persuasion had me slacking! I didn’t have many big take always from chapter 8 though other than I found it interesting what KC said about Tolkien choosing to keep what Bombedel was exactly a mystery. I love that. Let’s your imagination do that it wants with him.
Good to know! Thank you George!
Jamie I’m not sure! They way they sing a song and he is to come to their aid makes him feel more leprechaun-y to me but I have no idea! 😆
Chapter 5
The moment Merry, Pippen, and Sam all let Frodo know they know and that by golly they are coming with him. Ah sweet relief and friendship and loyalty!Chapter 5
The moment Merry, Pippen, and Sam all let Frodo know they know and that by golly they are coming with him. Ah sweet relief and friendship and loyalty! -
Yay! I’m excited you are as well!
I actually just bought some today to try out for cleaning solutions! The recipe I plan to try is 1 cup water to 1/2 cup vodka with 10 drops essential oils.